Do's & Don'ts of Darty Season
Darty: Day party usually held outside with fun times and the shining sun. We're speaking about the unspoken rules to a darty dress code for guys and girls so listen up:

1. DON’T wear tight shirts!
A darty is a summery event held outside--theres no need for club attire at these events. The darty is all about mingling in comfort, so the best types of shirts to wear are flowy tops that keep it fun and flirty. A great example of prime darty shirt is the off the shoulder 3/4 sleeve top like the one from Forever 21 below.
2. DO wear comfortable shoes!
The sneaker trend is still kicking, so take advantage. The go-to sneakers for us are converses, vans, Adidas, cheap Urban picks, and Steve Madden's slip ons. Remember, the dirtier the shoes, the better the darty, so definitely keep that in mind when choosing your shoes. Personal choice to wear white as they can get dirty at a darty, but are super cute for a summer outfit.

3. DO wear sunglasses!
BUT MAKE SURE THEY'RE CHEAP! Sunglasses are must need in the sun, but are very prone to falling off and getting lost--so keep them cheap. Not a hard feat to overcome as you can pick up a cute $6 at Forever 21 or $16 at Urban. These can be exclusively used for darties ;)


1. DON'T wear jerseys
We know you guys love your jerseys, but they've had their time to shine. Don't worry there is a very simple solution: Classic T. Every guy looks great a fitted T specifically for their body type. You can find them anywhere from Old Navy to Express. Check out this T from Urban that has a great selection of muted colors.
2. DON'T wear flip flops
Guys are pretty active at a darty, so wearing flip flops can result in some accidents. Avoid that by swapping for your tie up sneakers like Vans or your fave pair of boat shoes. These will even cuter with that fitted T!

3. DO bring a coozie!
Staying out in the sun gripping your drink are prime conditions for it to get warm. Keep it cold with a fun coozie like this one from
Pro tip for all 21+:
Hard Alc at home...Beer for the road